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Bill's Attic at Krowji

commissioned by FEAST

Krowji, Cornwall 2020

Role: Designer 

Lighting Design Lucy Gaskell

Carpentry Luke Wood

Commissioned by FEAST

Photos Steve Tanner & Ian Kingsnorth



Bill’s Attic is a physical and digital resource of incredible artefacts; a gift for the artist in everyone, to inspire a fresh generation of creators, makers, thinkers and radicals.

In late 2019 I began the process of designing a new space for the relocation of Bill's Attic from his home in Redruth to the Old Schoolhouse at Krowji. Bill's Attic at Krowji comprises a large flexible workspace within which is contained a unique library of Bill's objects; realised in a way that intends to hold the spirt of Bill's original attic, and the way in which he collected and worked. There is also a kitchen that can be used for shared meals and as a separate thinking/conversation space. 

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